What I do

What I do

Finding a reflection of one's essence in this vast world is no simple feat, and it is the journey of exploration that I yearn to craft. Within me, there is a profound ardor for figurative sculpture. This spirit keeps me grounded as I seek to unveil the underlying architecture beneath the veil of appearances.

I often encourage myself to be a generalist because I believe the different expression methods are necessary for dialectics, revealing and exploring the complete taste of one's character. In this profound dialogue with diverse artistic forms, my essence is revitalized, and my creative voice remains lucid, for it is through this intricate interplay I find my muse.


Spaceship Series

“The spaceship series encapsulates my passions within architectural form. It weaves heroism, mythology, and timeless drama, where gods and trials converge, guiding Hero’s self-discovery journey.”


“While converting lines into knife marks, you must revisit what's worth recording.”


“The statue's power lies in its inner temperament——a kind of persistent divinity. By analogy, the soul of all things can be found..”

Drawing & Oil Painting

“The key to oil painting is understanding that color, shape, and everything are essentially the inner portrayal of the object.”